One straight answer to solve all your problems immediately, wouldn’t that be nice?! Well, that’s not how it works.
Ask the same question to 10 different people, get 10 different answers. And that’s annoying for the latent simpleton within all of us. We prefer simple, definitive answers, maybe increasingly so.
Grappling with the infinite grey shades of life’s issues is how we grow though, some of those 10 people would argue, possibly, perhaps.
Comedic genius and screenwriter John Cleese put it roughly like this:
"The most creative people have learned to tolerate the discomfort of not knowing long enough for ideas to emerge. They are willing to play with ideas and explore multiple possibilities without rushing to immediate conclusions."
So now there’s a tool for that, arguably.
Throw in some of your questions, opinions, emotional outburst, and see what comes out.